Landroskop Hike, 29th October
Two non-cycling related posts in a row – this is getting to be a habit. Don’t worry though, there are plenty of meaty ride related posts just around the corner.
Few things are more enjoyable for me than an outdoor event with both a significant physical element, and a load of logistics which also need to be planned. In this case though, the much anticipated and discussed event was not a cycling one – but a family hiking trip. Over the past couple of months we’ve been gradually inducting our son Ben into the love of a good ramble. He’s surprised us both to be honest, both in his zeal and his lack of complaining. So much so, that neither of us were remotely daunted by the task ahead – a strenuous, largely uphill 12km hike to a hut in the mountains for the night. Even the low grey clouds scudding through the mountains around us, and the light drizzle that was falling couldn’t dampen our spirits. We’d been excited about this trip for months and now with backpacks loaded (perhaps a little too heavily) we were about to set off into the hills. Continue reading “Walking doesn’t suck either”