Almost Famous

I’m not sure I’ve ever really subscribed to Warhol’s fifteen minutes of fame theory. I’m also not sure a local newspaper would really qualify as the level of celebrity the artist was referring too. Regardless of these, it was a little bit wonderful to get some recognition for  the efforts we’ve made locally qualifying for PBP. Continue reading “Almost Famous”


It’s somehow like a ‘vasbyt’ in the army, you just keep going and wait for something to break inside you or to recover.

Chris van Zyl

A faint glow rose above the eastern horizon as our wheels ate up the final few kilometers to the half way checkpoint, rolling easily across the smooth tar after hours of gravel roads. Dawn would break over us before we got there, but only just. Continue reading “Vasbyt”


The picture left may resemble one I snapped a couple of years ago whilst waiting to enter my Argus (now Cape Town Cycle Tour) start chute, but the event we were gathering for would be a very different experience. Bush fires had ravaged the Cape Peninsula for more than a week, and in some places were still raging. The damage to hillsides surrounding the route, and the need to keep access roads open for emergency services had left the ride organizers few choices: cancel the event; or drastically alter the route. The latter option posed problems of it’s own – the usual standby route over Ou Kaapse Weg was also extensively burnt, with ash and smoke still lingering in places over the pass. Even if it had been totally safe to ride, it would not have been pleasant sucking down lungfuls of acrid smelling with every pedal stroke as we battled up the long climb.

Continue reading “Sub-two”


Once again, I find myself re-hashing the official AudaxSA ride report, but on this occasion it does give a somewhat more descriptive account than usual.

I was jumpy and on edge as we gathered for this year’s Cape 300km ride. It’s not the longest or toughest of the local brevets, and we completed last year’s edition with relative ease despite mechanicals and a relaxed social pace. But the nerves that often plague me ahead of important races and events were back with a vengeance. Continue reading “Qualified”