
It’s dawned on me that a significant number of my upcoming blog posts are likely to be about new kit that I’ve either bought or am trying out. I guess that’s too be expected really. With my eyes firmly set on the Trans-Continental in two years time, the current sabbatical from major events presents an ideal opportunity to experiment with ideas and equipment. Even I was surprised though by how a recent visit to William’s turned out. More on that later, first we need to catchup on the new road bike evaluation. Continue reading “N+2”

Not riding TCR (at least not yet)

Observant readers will notice that the bike above is not a Giant TCR Advanced. Events conspired against the planned test ride this week. The bike itself turned out to not be available due to a tumble by it’s owner  – Daryn. Coincidentally (or maybe not) I woke up feeling pretty crap when the alarm went off and missed the Wednesday ride anyway. So no “possible new bike” review for this week.

Continue reading “Not riding TCR (at least not yet)”

Gun Walk

I’ve gone through my pre-ride prep routine so many times it’s near automatic – so you’d think that getting ready for a 5km fun run with Ben would be a breeze. Not so. My needs were simple, small bottle to sip from whilst waiting for the start and after that the water tables would take care of the rest. But then of course there’s Ben. Continue reading “Gun Walk”

PBP – Epilogue

I forget which one of the Cape Randonneurs described the meal provided at the Arrivée as worthy of army canteen rations but the description was completely accurate. The chicken was bland and the pasta limp, but I ate it all the same. My body needed the fuel and I couldn’t be bothered to go out in the rain searching for something more palatable. Continue reading “PBP – Epilogue”

PBP Part 1 – Overnight Express

19:30, 16 Aug – Saint-Quentin en Yvellines, 0km

By the time Peter and I lined up at the start a couple of my plans had already gone astray in minor ways. Despite a comfy hotel room, I had lain awake for the afternoon unable to sleep. And misjudging what would be open on a Sunday in a Parisian suburb had killed off my idea of starting with a baguette or two in my bag. Continue reading “PBP Part 1 – Overnight Express”